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What to do and how to eat to lose weight? 7 rules from nutritionists

Do not starve, do not get carried away with extreme and fast diets, do not exhaust yourself with physical exercises and do not give up useful substances – four “not” that should be followed by everyone who cares about their health and figure. But what to do to lose those annoying kilos? We have collected some tips from nutritionists.

0 Do not self-medicate! In our articles, we collect the latest scientific data and the opinions of authoritative health experts. But remember: only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Don’t give up carbs

While cutting out carbs entirely and replacing them with fat does help you lose weight in some cases, cutting them out completely is not the best idea. The fact is that the metabolites that are formed as a result of carbohydrate metabolism are necessary for the processing of fats. If you completely give up carbohydrates, at some point the body simply will not be able to burn fat. And why then all the suffering?

Don’t deprive yourself of sweets

Sugar is not as scary as its ultra-refined form, which is exactly what we get when we eat foods with added sugars. Therefore, a great solution would be to refuse or at least severely reduce foods with added sugar, but the natural one found in fruits or dairy products is not only not harmful, but also necessary for our body. After all, it is glucose that is the source of energy for the brain.

No extreme diets!

They work, but not for long and poorly. A really rigid diet will allow you to lose some weight – but the effect will be short-lived. And the worst thing is that extreme diets always affect the metabolism: in the best case, the lost kilograms will simply return after a while. At worst, you may need the help of an endocrinologist and long-term work on restoring metabolism.

eat fruit

In most diets, fruits are either banned altogether, or with a restriction – only those that are low in sugar are allowed. But fruits are whole foods that contain not only sugar, but also fiber, which is necessary for digestion, as well as antioxidants. If you follow the measure and do not overeat, you can eat fruits every day – and not be afraid either for your health or for your figure.

Avoid sugary drinks

The most harmful and dangerous to health is not food, but drinks. Sweet carbonated drinks are very dangerous for health and figure: one liter of Coca-Cola contains 16 teaspoons of sugar – this is a lot. And drinks that replace sugar with sweeteners aren’t much better: studies have repeatedly confirmed the link between drinking such drinks and a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, as well as some forms of cancer.

Cut calories the right way

The widely recommended “norm” of 1200 calories per day is a direct path to the yo-yo effect, when the pounds gained are returned, as well as metabolic disorders. In order to find the most healthy rate that will allow you to lose weight without starving, nutritionists advise you to calculate the calorie content of your usual diet for a week, and then reduce it by 5-10 percent. This will be quite enough for losing weight – provided that you adhere to the new norm for a sufficient time.

Don’t go on a diet, but change your eating habits

The best diet, nutritionists say, is the one you can stick to without stress. The most effective will not be of any use if you break loose in a week. The point is not to restrict yourself in nutrition for a while, and then return to your old habits – only the restructuring of the entire diet and eating habits really works.

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