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“I don’t pay attention to constant shelling anymore”: the story of the captain of the medical service of the 103rd brigade of the TrO

A military servicewoman with the call sign “Housewife” worked as a translator of scientific and medical literature in Italy. The Great War caught her on vacation in Ukraine.

“When the shelling began on the morning of February 24, my daughter, who lives in Kharkiv, woke me up with a call saying: “Mom, we are being bombed.” I realized that I could not return to Italy, as if nothing had happened, as if nothing was happening. The next day, I came to the military commissariat, they took me for registration, and on February 26 I was already in the Teroborony battalion,” Khazyayka said.

The woman has a higher medical education, so she saves our wounded soldiers at the front. Military personnel from various brigades are brought to the medical post of the 103rd brigade.

“I don’t pay attention to constant shelling anymore. I know I have to do my job, and so do my subordinates. Of course, there is fatigue, burnout, I want to go home. But it’s only on one day, but the next day I understand that I have to do it,” said the combat medic.

The captain of the medical service recently received the award of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine – the “For Exemplary Service” badge.

“The most precious thing a person has is freedom. This is probably the only thing for which you can sacrifice something. The moment has come when the fate of the country is decided: either we remain a free state or not. That’s all!” she added.


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