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Vitaly Ilchyshyn, a resident of Hordochchyna, died in the war with the Russian invader

The other day, the merciless war will send another funeral cortege to Horodochchyna

To the village of Mshana in Hordochchyna, where his son Dmytro is waiting for his father, the soldier Vitaly Ilchyshyn, who was born on March 28, 1969, will return for the last time to rest next to his relatives.

Vitaly came to the defense of the Motherland even at the beginning of the full-scale invasion. The Hero took his last breath near Popasnaya in the Luhansk region at the end of March 2022.

Sincere condolences to relatives and friends of the warrior Vitaly. Eternal memory and honor to the unconquered sons of Ukraine!
Let not a single drop of the blood of our defenders be in vain, not a single mutilated life, not a single tear of children, wives, mothers and fathers… Accept, Lord, into Your Kingdom! – announced in the Horodotsk City Council

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