The sad news was announced on November 12 by Volodymyr’s brother Vasyl Kolyada.
Friends, our Hero Volodymyr Kolyada Vova Zhivchyk is returning home from the last battle for the Motherland!
Today, November 13, 2022, everyone who knows Volodya “Zhyvchyk” will be able to meet him, pray for his soul and say goodbye to him, see him on his last journey:
- At 11:00 a.m. there will be a meeting and prayer for the fallen Hero in the Church of the Holy Spirit UGCC village. Grits;
- 11:45 a.m. meeting and prayer in the Church of St. Yosaphata UGCC in the city of Chervonograd (on the triangle);
- 1:00 p.m. meeting and prayer near the monument of Stepan Bandera in the city of Velyki Mosty;
- 1:45 p.m. prayer near the chapel in the village of Reklynets and parastas (at home).
Volodya’s funeral will take place on Monday (November 14, 2022) at 12:00 in the village of Reklynets, Chervonograd district, Lviv region.
As Iryna Vovk reported, Volodya Kolyada is a Maidan citizen, a cyborg who was one of the last to leave Pozhezka of the Donetsk airport, being surrounded by: Adam-Maxim Rydzanich’s group (Heroic 90th Battalion) defended Pozhezka in the number of 7 people, fooling around on the enemy’s radio broadcasts, as if they were there not 7, but a whole battalion; they came out on January 23, accompanied by “Perch” and “Yeshka”.
Zhivchyk fought non-stop, with breaks for wound treatment. Your name and your feat should be known – Iryna Vovk.
Heroes do not die!