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The President awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine to the soldier who was killed by the Russian invaders for the slogan “Glory to Ukraine!”

12 березня, Президент України присвоїв звання Героя України Олександру Мацієвському, солдату.

12 березня, Президент України присвоїв звання Героя України Олександру Мацієвському, солдату.

During the past week, the President of Ukraine met with the new President of the Czech Republic, the Prime Minister of Finland, the Minister of Defense of Norway, UN Secretary General Guterres, etc.

“We have a significant increase in air defense – I thank Norway for this. We have new agreements on the diplomatic front. There is movement in the direction of European integration – as a result of the implementation of anti-corruption steps specified in the recommendations of the European Commission, including the appointment of a new director of NABU. For this week, I would like to separately thank our energy workers, all workers of repair crews, local and central authorities, who were involved in eliminating the consequences of the Russian terrorist attack on Thursday,” the Head of State noted.

According to the President, it was possible to restore the technical capabilities of electricity supply in Ukraine. Kharkiv – with light. Zhytomyrshchyna – with light. All cities and communities where there were problems with energy supply have been restored.

By the way, a program of exchanging old lamps for new LED lamps is actively being implemented in Ukraine. In total, Ukrainians have already received 12 million LED lamps. If we talk about energy saving, this amount allows you to save up to 600 megawatts of energy. Roughly, this is like, for example, more than half of the generation of the most powerful unit of the nuclear power plant.

To the topic: In Lviv, they started exchanging old incandescent light bulbs for energy-saving ones.

“I want to celebrate the 41st state fire and rescue unit of the city of Kostyantynivka, Donetsk region. Thanks to all our soldiers of “Khortytsia” and “Tavria”, who are fighting in the hottest directions in the most difficult conditions. In less than one week – from March 6 – and only on one Bakhmut direction, more than 1,100 enemy soldiers were destroyed – these are the irreversible losses of Russia at Bakhmut. Plus at least one and a half thousand sanitary enemy casualties – these are injuries that are incompatible for them with the continuation of the fighting. Plus, dozens of units of enemy equipment were destroyed. Plus, more than ten Russian ammunition warehouses were burned. Thank you to every soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, our intelligence – Shaman fighters, National Guardsmen, our border guards – everyone who really fights for the Ukrainian land, for Bakhmut!” – addressed the President of Ukraine.

At the same time, the Head of State thanked the fighters of “Tavria” who are fighting in the Avdiyivka and Maryinka districts. To the gunners of the 55th separate brigade “Zaporizka Sich”, the soldiers of the 35th separate brigade of marines, the 74th separate reconnaissance, the 128th separate mountain assault brigade.

Yesterday, March 12, the President of Ukraine awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine to Oleksandr Matsievskyi, a soldier.

“A person whom all Ukrainians will know. A person who will be remembered forever. For his bravery, for his confidence in Ukraine and for his “Glory to Ukraine!” Bright memory and to all those who gave their lives for Ukraine!” – President of Ukraine.


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