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Today, Lviv says goodbye to Hero Viktor Ushkov

Сьогодні Львів прощається з Героєм Віктором Ушковим

Сьогодні Львів прощається з Героєм Віктором Ушковим

Today, September 26, Lviv will say goodbye to Viktor Ushkov, who died in the battle with the Russian invaders

The funeral service will begin at 11:00 a.m. in the Garrison Church of Sts. App. Peter and Paul, the serviceman will be buried at the Lychakiv cemetery. The City Hall urges you to join the farewell ceremony and to refrain from entertaining events and celebrations during this time.

At 11:00 a.m., the funeral rite will begin in the Garrison Church, at 11:30 a.m. – a city farewell ceremony on Rynok Square.

Route of the funeral procession: Garrison Church of St. App. Peter and Paul UGCC (Tetralna Street, 11) – sq. Cathedral – square Rynok (city farewell ceremony) – str. Ruska – st. Basement – st. Volodymyr Vinnichenko – square Soborna – str. Pekarska – str. Shimzeriv – str. Mechnikova – Lychakiv cemetery.

Blue and yellow flags with a mourning ribbon will be hung on the buildings along the route of the convoy.

Biographical reference of the Hero

Viktor Ushkov (December 27, 1985-September 21, 2022) was born in the city of Vinnyki, Lviv region.

He studied at secondary comprehensive school of grades I-III No. 29 in the city of Lviv. Later, he graduated from Lviv Commercial Academy (today Lviv University of Trade and Economics).

After the invasion of Russia, he defended Ukraine. Performed combat tasks in the area of ​​the Anti-Terrorist Operation.

In peacetime, he worked in the physical protection department of the State Tax Service in the Lviv region and at the private enterprise “Lviv-Plast”, later as a freight forwarder.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he defended Ukraine in the ranks of the 80th separate airborne assault brigade of the Airborne Assault Troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Victor Ushkov is survived by his parents, wife and two children.

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