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Today, Lviv will say goodbye to Heroes Vasyl Yavorskyi and Gennady Krantsevich

On October 31, Lviv will say goodbye to two more Heroes who defended Ukraine. Vasyl Yavorskyi and Gennadiy Krantsevich died in the battle with the Russian invaders.

The City Hall calls on Lviv residents and guests to join the city’s farewell ceremonies and refrain from entertainment events and celebrations during this time.

The funeral ceremony will take place in the Garrison Church of Sts. App. Peter and Paul, the soldiers will be buried at the Lychakiv cemetery.

At 11:00 a.m., the funeral ceremony of Gennady Krantsevich will begin, at 11:30 a.m. – a city farewell ceremony on Rynok Square.

At 3:00 p.m., Vasyl Yavorskyi’s funeral ceremony will take place, at 3:30 p.m. – a city farewell ceremony on Rynok Square.

Route of funeral processions: Garrison Church of St. App. Peter and Paul UGCC (Tetralna Street, 11) – sq. Cathedral – square Rynok (city farewell ceremony) – str. Ruska – st. Basement – str. Volodymyr Vinnichenko – square Soborna – str. Pekarska – st. Shimzeriv – str. Mechnikova – Lychakiv cemetery.

Biographical references of Heroes

Vasyl Yavorskyi (January 4, 1978-October 21, 2022). A native of Lviv.

He studied at Lyceum No. 57 named after King Danylo of the Lviv City Council. He was educated at the private higher educational institution “Institute of Entrepreneurship and Prospective Technologies”.

He started his professional career as an operator. In 2008-2010, he held positions in the TV and radio companies “Teleboyman” and “Media Club”. He worked in the news agency “ZIK” since its foundation, for several years he was the chief director. In 2019, he resigned due to the acquisition of the TV channel by pro-Russian forces. Subsequently, he worked as a director at the First Western TV channel and at the Espresso TV channel, where he participated in live broadcasts.

Since 2014, Vasyl Yavorskyi has been involved in the creation of documentaries and programs about the war. He was a co-author of the project “Hero’s Story” and the director of the film “The Last Medic of the Terminal. Ihor Zinich, call sign “Psycho” about a military medic on the territory of the Donetsk airport”. He actively cooperated with the municipal institution of the Lviv Regional Council “Warrior’s House” regarding the presentation of tapes in the cities of the Lviv region.

In 2021, he voluntarily joined the ranks of territorial defense. With the beginning of a full-scale invasion, he defended the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state as part of the 103rd separate brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

For personal bravery on the Independence Day of Ukraine, he was awarded the honorary award “Participant of combat operations”.

Vasyl Yavorsky is survived by his wife, son from his first marriage, parents, sister and nephew.

Gennady Krantsevich (13.12.1965-19.10.2022). A native of the village of Novoaidar, Luhansk region.
He studied at the Novoaidar Lyceum of the Novoaidar Settlement Council. Received higher education at Volodymyr Dahl Eastern Ukrainian National University, majoring in project management.

In peacetime, he worked as a manager in a local collective agricultural enterprise and chief zooengineer of the Sorokinsky (then Krasnodonsky) district of the Luhansk region. Subsequently, he held the position of head of the organizational department of the Novoaidar District Council.

Participant of ATO. Performed combat tasks in the settlements of Avdiivka and Vugledar of the Donetsk region and the urban-type village of Stanytsia Luhanska. Subsequently, he held positions in the Novoaidar and Shchastyn territorial centers of recruitment and social support of the Luhansk region.

In 2021, he was appointed head of the department of current combat operations of the 53rd separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Volodymyr Monomakh of the operational command “East” of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, he and his family moved to Lviv. In March, he defended Ukraine from the invaders in the ranks of the 115th separate mechanized brigade of the Ground Forces Reserve Corps of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

For personal courage, he was awarded the “Badge of Honor” badge of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

Gennady Krantsevich is survived by his wife, son and daughter.

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