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It is important to be able to say every week: “I added something of my own to the common defense” – address of the President of Ukraine

The head of state emphasized that Russia has recently lost its influence in two international institutions, noted the German aid to our defense, the sanctions measures by the US against Russian entities that support the economy of aggression. He also thanked everyone involved in Ukraine’s struggle.

I wish you good health, dear Ukrainian men and women!

First of all, I want to thank each and every one of our soldiers for this week, everyone who is in battle, who is at combat posts, who is performing combat tasks.

To everyone who helps, who trains and heals, who provides the Ukrainian force with everything it needs. And also, of course, to our rescuers – the entire team of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. To the employees of the National Police and the National Guard, who helped and continue to help our people after Russian shelling and after bad weather.

Everyone who works at our Ukrainian defense industries. All those whose job is to help Ukraine, take care of the interests of our state. Everyone who defends Ukraine in the international arena. I thank everyone for the fact that this week was also productive for our state, for achieving our goals.

It is significant that Russia has recently lost its influence in two international institutions. These are the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons and the International Maritime Organization, one of the key security organizations in the world. Indeed, there is no place for terrorists. And there will be no more Russian representatives in the governing bodies. Quite rightly.

I would like to single out Germany – German assistance to our defense and our actions. I am especially grateful for the clear implementation of agreements regarding air defense for Ukraine – regarding the strengthening of our air shield. This is the saving of thousands of Ukrainian lives – a really strong result of our bilateral cooperation with Chancellor Scholz, with everyone in Germany who supports the protection of life and the rule of international law. There is also another defense package, in particular, it is much needed shells for artillery, caliber 155. Thanks, Olaf!

It is also important that this week there were sanctions moves by the United States of America against Russian entities that support the economy of aggression. These are both those who help break the price ceiling for Russian oil, and those who work for destabilization in Iranian structures. This is extremely useful for the approach of a just peace – so that every week brings sanctions news, so that sanctions are added to their effectiveness.

And of course, our personal gratitude to those who showed themselves the most in the battles for the sake of Ukraine, for the sake of independence. Soldier Taras Davidyuk, scout, 130th separate reconnaissance battalion. Thank you, Taras, for your courage and true leadership in battle! Soldier Oleksandr Koturbas, our glorious 55th separate artillery brigade. Thanks for the stability, accuracy and destruction of the invaders! Private Andriy Grigor’ev and senior soldier Vitaly Krasovskyi are both from the 47th Separate Mechanized Brigade. They repeatedly repelled enemy assaults, carried out the evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield, and destroyed the enemy’s infantry. The guys are fighting on “Bradley” by the way. Thank you for your strength! Sergeant Mykola Shugailo, 704th Regiment of Radiation, Chemical, Biological Protection. Thank you for your bravery in repelling the assaults, thank you for the will to fight!

And two more soldiers of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade “Kholodny Yar”: soldier Andriy Yatskovets and junior sergeant Oleksandr Gakov. Thank you, guys, for your determination in our Ukrainian offensive!

Everyone who gives Ukraine a result, everyone who found their place in the national affairs, everyone who helps and cares for Ukraine – glory to all! Thanks to everyone. Respect to all.

It is important that everyone remains committed to the common cause. This is important – so that every week you can say: “I added something of my own to the common defense.” This is important – that the actions, concrete actions of millions of Ukrainian men and women every day, every week strengthen Ukrainian strength even more. We will overcome everything together.

And please remember to heed the air raid signals, especially these days. It should not be taken lightly.

Glory to Ukraine!


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