Site icon Voice of Sokal – news about Sokal, Chervonohrad

Yesterday, the Chervonograd community said goodbye to Volodymyr Fabersky, who died in the fight against the Russian aggressor

Yesterday, the community said goodbye to the newest Hero, a wonderful son, loving father and husband Volodymyr Fabersky.

We have no right to forget at what a high price our Soldiers chose the independence of Ukraine. Bright memory and eternal glory to the Hero.

We will remind

Volodymyr Yaroslavovich Faberskyi was born on July 25, 1990. Since July 2013, he worked at the “Lisova” mine of the “Lvivvugilya” State Enterprise, an underground electrical fitter at the mining equipment repair station. Lived in Chervonohrad, Lviv region. Mobilized in February 2022.

His wife, son, relatives and friends are in mourning.

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