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Veterans will be able to receive training for further work in civil service positions: how to apply

You can submit the completed form and motivation letter until April 30 inclusive.

In Ukraine, registration was opened for participation in the additional selection for a free certificate training program for veterans who plan to realize themselves in positions of public service and service in local self-government bodies.

The purpose of the certificate program “Governance in conditions of martial law and post-war reconstruction” is to promote the professional development of veterans who:

do not have any work experience in the field of civil service and/or service in local government, but intend to be employed in such positions in the near future;
have been in civil service or service in local government for less than 3 years as of the date of the competitive selection of trainees and intend to continue working in these positions in the near future.

The duration of the program is 12 weeks. Class schedule – 3 days a week in the evening, 2 classes a day. The duration of the lesson is 1 hour 20 minutes. The form of education is distance learning, online.

Remote classes take place in synchronous mode (with the teacher) on the ZOOM platform. And also in asynchronous mode using the DistEdu platform. Students also perform independent work using educational materials posted on the DistEdu platform.

Stages of competitive selection for training:

submission of completed forms and motivation letters – until 04/30/2023 inclusive.
announcement of the results of the competitive selection – 08.05.2023
start of studies – 16.05.2023

After completing the training, you will receive a set of knowledge and will be able to develop skills that will help you grow professionally and successfully get a job in the public service or service in the local government.

In particular, develop the professional competences necessary for:

performance of professional activities (development and implementation of policies, provision of services, project management, strategic management, etc.);
working with people (interaction with the public, personnel management, change management, teamwork, leadership, etc.);
self-management (time management, stress resistance, integrity, effective communication, etc.).

All trainees who successfully complete the program are issued with a certificate.

Requirements for candidates:

higher education (master’s, bachelor’s or junior bachelor’s degree);
having the status of a veteran of the ATO/OOS, the Russian-Ukrainian war;
total work experience of at least 2 years in any field. Including for those veterans who do not have civil service experience and have not worked in state or local government bodies.
if you are a veteran and already have experience of working in civil service positions/in positions in local self-government bodies – up to three years (admission without passing a competition);
fluency in the state language;
PC user: Word, Excel, email mail, messengers;
a conscious desire for change and a clear understanding of the purpose of joining the civil service or service in local self-government bodies.

Form to fill out:

The project “Professional development of veterans for work in public service positions and service in local government” is implemented by the NGO “School of Governance” on the basis of the Kyiv-Mohyla School of Governance named after Andriy Meleshevich of the National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”.

This was made possible thanks to the Veterans Reintegration Program implemented by IREX with the support of the US State Department.

If you have any questions, write to


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