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The Dobrotvir community said goodbye to 23-year-old Hero Yevhen Nikolaev today

Today, in inexhaustible sorrow and sadness, we paid our last respects to the good son of the Ukrainian land, the Hero of Ukraine – Yevgeny Nikolaev

So young, but brave! He gave the most valuable thing he had – his life!

He would still live, create the future, rebuild the country, in the victory of which he believed until his last breath. His feat is the heroic history of our state, our eternal memory and indescribable pain…

As reported in the Dobrotvir village council, the Russians took the young life of a courageous defender, the newest Hero of Ukraine, native of Lysychansk, Luhansk region – Yevhen Vadimovych Nikolaev, born on October 16, 1999.

His fate was such that he grew up without parental care, was an orphan. Even before the start of the war, he moved to our community, where he lived and worked.

Voluntarily, following the call of his heart, he stood up for the defense of the state, bravely fought the enemy and unfortunately…
He is forever 23!

May the soul of the fallen defender Yevhen find peace… Eternal memory and honor to our Hero!
Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

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