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Now we all need to maintain unity, mobilization and full concentration on defense – address of the President of Ukraine

Volodymyr Zelenskyi told his traditional addressee about the key events of the past day.

“Held the Stavka today. Generals Syrskyi, Tarnavskyi, General Committee, the head of the GUR, and representatives of the government reported. We constantly and very carefully analyze the course of hostilities, the hottest and all potentially dangerous areas. The front line is the number one priority. We are also actively preparing new brigades and units that will prove themselves at the front. The issue of their provision, training, integration into the general Defense Plan – we add important details every time at the meetings of the Headquarters.

Everyone in Ukraine must understand that the main task of the state is the de-occupation of our territories, the return of our lands and our people from Russian captivity. State resources are directed primarily to this task. And I am grateful to everyone who helps. Who keeps the world’s attention on Ukraine. To everyone who creates jobs in Ukraine, who pays taxes, who stays in the country and supports the work of their enterprises. To everyone who organizes meetings for our soldiers and recovery – meetings in Ukraine, in other countries… Now, just like last year, we all need to maintain unity, mobilization and full concentration on defense.

Today I would like to individually thank each and every one of the people involved in the state defense enterprises and businesses that produce weapons and ammunition, drones, all those who repair equipment, who create new equipment, in particular for demining. Thank you for the fact that, despite everything, Ukraine is increasing our defense production potential,” the Head of State emphasized.

He spoke about the results of the meetings he held during the past day.

“Today at the Stavka, as usual, we considered the missile program and ammunition issues in detail. All day maximum attention to communication in the Rammstein format, today is a meeting. I thank those partners whose determination is fully in line with the actual situation and needs on the battlefield. I am waiting for the report of the Minister of Defense on the results of Ramstein. I spoke with the president of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, she was visiting Kyiv. The key is the real economic interaction of the EBRD with Ukraine, the bank’s involvement in the recovery and development of our country.

Every investment now, every job saved or created in Ukraine, every implemented economic project is also protection. And when it comes to defense, speed is critical. The attention of the EBRD was drawn, in particular, to the urgent needs for reconstruction, housing construction, and investment opportunities in Ukraine. To work with Ukraine and in Ukraine right now is to implement the very mission for which the EBRD was created.

Today, I also held a special meeting regarding those events – primarily international – that are to be held in the coming weeks and months. We work out the content of each event in detail. Ukraine and our soldiers have no time for formal politics and any impractical things. Every event, every negotiation and meeting should give concrete help to the defense, should concretely strengthen our soldiers and protect our values.

Weapons and ammunition for our soldiers, resilience for our economy, real preparedness for any scenarios – all this is absolutely subjective. So it was and so it will be,” emphasized Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The President of Ukraine thanked all the defenders of our state who bravely defend Ukrainian lands.

“Of course, I want to thank our soldiers. Bakhmut. For brave actions – to the 5th separate assault brigade. Thanks guys! Lyman direction. For stability and reliable holding of positions – 66th separate mechanized brigade. Well done! 96th Kyiv Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade. Thank you, warriors, for your accuracy! Thank you to everyone who is currently in positions, in the trenches, on combat missions, on combat duty!

Thanks to everyone who helps the front! And please remember those who gave their lives defending Ukraine and Ukrainians. Bright memory to our heroes!”, he noted.

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