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Tomorrow the Chervonograd community will say goodbye to two soldiers – Stepan Lutchyn and Serhiy Vovchenko

Today in Chervonograd, in the church of St. Josaphat held a funeral service for Hero Serhii Vovchenko.

Tomorrow, December 9, at 11:15 a.m., the funeral service will begin.

We ask the community to dignify the final journey of the Hero who laid down his life for each of us. The Warrior will be buried at the Bendyuz Cemetery on the Alley of Heroes.

On December 8, the body of Hero Stepan Lutchyn was met in Chervonograd on his native land.

Let’s remember that for our peace and for our peaceful life, Stepan Lutchyn and Serhiy Vovchenko fought against the occupier and laid the most precious thing on the altar of freedom – their lives.

The funeral service will take place on December 9 at 1:00 p.m. in the Chapel of St. Barbara

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