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Tomorrow Lviv says goodbye to the heroes Yuri Fedorko and Anton Mikhaluk

Tomorrow, December 30, Lviv says goodbye to the heroes of Yuri Fedorko and Anton Mikhaluk, who died in battle with Russian invaders. The City Hall calls on Lviv residents and city guests join the city’s farewell ceremony and refrain from holding entertainment and celebrations at this time.

The funeral of the heroes will begin at 11:00 am at the garrison temple of St. APP. Peter and Paul, at 11:30 am – city farewell ceremony on Market Square.

Warriors are buried in the Lychakiv Cemetery.

The route of the funeral procession: the garrison temple of St. APP. Peter and Pavel of the UGCC (11 Teatralnaya St.) – Sq. Cathedral – Sq. Market (city farewell ceremony) – str. Russian – str. Basement – str. Volodymyr Vynnychenko – Sq. Cathedral – str. Bakery – str. Shimzers – str. Mechnikova – Lychakiv Cemetery.

Biographical certificates of heroes

Anton Mikhalyuk (20.06.1985-05.12.2022). A native of Kiev.
He studied at a specialized school of I-III degrees with in-depth study of foreign languages №220 of Kyiv. He graduated from the State University of Telecommunications.

In peacetime he was engaged in private enterprise. He was fond of travel, fishing and archeology.

With the beginning of a full-scale invasion, military service was held in the ranks of the 125th Separate Brigade of Territorial Defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Anton Mikhalyuk has a mother and sister.

Yuriy Fedorko (08.10.1964-28.12.2022). A native of Donetsk town of Kharkiv region.
He studied at the Chervonodonetsk Gymnasium of Balakliya District State Administration of Kharkiv Region. He graduated from the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University (then-Institute) of Oil and Gas. During his studies he took place a military department.

He worked as the chief engineer at Lvivholod TEC LLC. He was fond of camping, mountain tourism, skiing and playing guitar.

In 2014, he volunteered to defend the Motherland, performed combat missions in the area of anti-terrorist operation within the 80th separate landing and assault brigade of the Airborne Assault troops of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

From the first days of a full-scale invasion he returned to the ranks of the 80th brigade.

Yuri Fedorko has a mother, sister, wife, two sons, daughter -in -law, grandson and nephews.

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