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Tomorrow, Lviv will say goodbye to six Heroes who defended Ukraine

On Thursday, July 13, Lviv will say goodbye to six Heroes. Roman Didyk, Ivan Moroz, Oleg Chmil, Natalia Depa, Denis Guzner, Orest Smyk defended Ukraine from the Russian invaders. The City Hall calls on Lviv residents and guests to join the city’s farewell ceremony and to refrain from entertainment events and celebrations during this time.

The funeral of Roman Didyk, Ivan Moroz, Oleg Chmil will begin at 11:00 a.m. in the Garrison Church of Sts. App. Peter and Paul, at 11:30 a city farewell ceremony will take place on Rynok Square.

The funeral of Natalia Depa, Denis Guzner, and Orest Smik will begin at 3:00 p.m. in the Garrison Church of Sts. App. Peter and Paul, at 15:30 there will be a city farewell ceremony on Rynok Square.

Heroes will be buried at the Lychakiv cemetery.


Biographical references of Heroes


Roman Didyk (May 8, 1969 – July 7, 2023) from Lviv.

Studied at secondary comprehensive school No. 54 in Lviv. He received his technical education at the State Vocational and Technical Educational Institution “Lviv Higher Vocational College of Computer Technologies and Construction” with the specialty “car repair mechanic”.

He worked at the limited liability company “Electron-T Scientific and Production Enterprise”. In his spare time, he liked to do crafts.

From the first months of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, he defended Ukraine in the ranks of the 10th separate mountain assault brigade “Edelweiss” of the operational command “West” of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Roman Didyk is survived by a brother and cousins.


Ivan Moroz (March 22, 1969 – June 8, 2023) was born in the village of Bibshchany, Zolochiv district, Lviv region.

He studied at the Pomeranian institution of general secondary education of the I-III degrees of the Pomeranian settlement council of the Zolochiv district of the Lviv region. He received his technical education at the former Lviv Technical College of Radio Communications.

He worked at the limited liability company “Rush” and the limited liability company “Market of agricultural products “Shuvar”.

During the full-scale Russian invasion, he defended Ukraine in the ranks of the 4th separate tank brigade named after Hetman Ivan Vyhovsky of the reserve corps of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Died in the eastern direction.

Ivan Moroz is survived by his wife, two daughters, a son and a brother.


Oleg Chmil (July 7, 1981-July 6, 2023) was born in Lozova, Kharkiv region.

He studied at Secondary School No. 88 of the city of Lviv (today Lviv Lyceum of the Lviv City Council). After completing his studies, he served in the military in the city of Boryspil, Kyiv region, and the city of Saka (Autonomous Republic of Crimea).

In peacetime, he worked as a handyman.

With the beginning of a full-scale invasion, he joined the ranks of the 24th separate mechanized brigade named after King Danylo of the “West” operational command of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to defend the Motherland.

Oleg Chmil is survived by his father, aunt, stepmother, sister and cousin.


Denys Guzner (February 5, 1993-July 9, 2023) from Lviv.

Studied at secondary comprehensive school No. 65 of Lviv. He graduated from the Higher Vocational School No. 20, received his higher education at the Faculty of Law of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

In peacetime, he worked as a private entrepreneur. He was a talented cook. Together with his friends, he was fond of computer games, where he won prizes in competitions, skillfully repaired computers and electronics.

With the beginning of a full-scale invasion, he joined the ranks of the 125th Separate Territorial Defense Brigade of the “West” Regional Department of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to defend the Motherland. He was awarded numerous departmental awards for his personal courage and performance of combat tasks in the “hot” points of the front.

Denys Guzner is survived by his mother, wife and brother.


Orest Smyk (December 17, 1984-July 4, 2023) was born in the village of Dmytrovychi, Mostysky district, Lviv region.

He studied at the communal institution of the Lviv Regional Council “Chervonograd boarding school”. He received a technical education at the State Educational Institution “Stavropygius Higher Vocational College of the City of Lviv” with the specialties “carpenter-builder” and “carpenter-maker of decorations”.

He worked as a construction handyman. He was fond of sports and fishing.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he volunteered to defend the Motherland as part of the military unit A4821 of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Orest Smika is survived by his mother, brother, sister and other relatives.


Natalia Depa (September 1, 1992-July 9, 2023) from Lviv.

She graduated from Lviv Secondary School No. 1. She received her higher education at the Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after Stepan Zenovych Gzhitsky, majoring in “Doctor of Veterinary Medicine”. Received a second higher education in the specialty “Physician-Cosmetologist”.

She was engaged in entrepreneurial activities in the field of cosmetology, created a private clinic and was its manager.

With the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion, together with her father, she volunteered to defend the Motherland and joined the ranks of the 125th separate

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