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Ochitok caustic is a perennial plant of the broad-leaved family

Очиток їдкий

Очиток їдкий

The very name suggests that the plant is poisonous. The green part contains a caustic sap that causes burns and blisters when it gets on the skin.

It is interesting that only goats eat caustic stone, and it is poisonous for other animals. In Ukraine, the genus Ochitok has 17 species.

From English, the name is translated as “stone harvest” – stonecrop grows on rocks, stones, simply put, it can grow where other plants do not grow. It is also found in pine forests, on sands and dunes, a very light-loving plant.

Ochitoks acrid wonderful honey. Even with a long drought, it secretes a lot of nectar, attracting bees and insects to itself, thereby saving them from starvation.

Honey from the stone is of the highest grade and has a golden-yellow color.

It is widely used in landscape design, for decorating stone slides, it is planted in flower beds, it spreads like a yellow carpet.

Caustic stonewort is included in the list of useful wild plants of Ukraine. In folk medicine, it is used as a laxative, emetic, diuretic, and anti-scurvy agent. Horsetail leaves are extracted for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, tuberculosis, bronchitis, epilepsy, rheumatism, for washing purulent wounds and burns. Experiments are also actively conducted in scientific medicine. It has been established that caustic stonecrop preparations act as a stimulant and tonic agent.

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