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Need to know! Safety rules for furnace heating

Violation of fire safety rules during the operation of stove heating is a fairly common cause of household fires in the cold season. There can be no fire from heating devices, if they are in good working order and operated in compliance with fire safety rules. If a fire still occurs, its cause is always hidden in violated operating rules or failure to follow instructions.

The danger of furnace heating is caused by the fact that every furnace is a flammable source. Most often, fires occur due to overheating of furnaces, the appearance of cracks in the brickwork, as well as the use of combustible and flammable liquids for melting furnaces, coal falling from the furnace or ash pan.

In the case of using furnace heating:

– chimneys and furnaces should be cleaned of soot before the start, as well as throughout the heating season, to prevent its ignition. Cleaning of soot and various dirt must be carried out for periodic heating furnaces on solid and liquid fuel – at least once every three months;

– a metal sheet with a size of at least 0.5 x 0.7 m should be nailed to the combustible floor near each furnace in front of the furnace opening;

– all smoke pipes and walls in the attic, through which smoke channels are laid, must be plastered and whitewashed;

– ash and slag removed from the furnace must be filled with water and taken to specially designated places. It is not allowed to dump ash and slag near buildings.

During the use of furnace heating, it is not allowed:

– leave burning stoves unattended or entrust their supervision to minor children;

– use furnaces that have cracks;

– place fuel, other combustible substances and materials directly in front of the furnace opening;

– store unextinguished coals and ashes in a metal container placed on a wooden floor or a combustible stand;

– dry and stack clothes, firewood, other combustible objects and materials on stoves;

– use flammable and combustible liquids to ignite furnaces;

– use wood for heating, the length of which exceeds the size of the firebox;

– heating furnaces with open furnace doors;

– fix antennas of televisions, radio receivers, etc., on chimneys;

– keep a supply of fuel in the room that exceeds the daily requirement.

Dear community residents! Following these simple rules will save your life and the lives of people close to you!

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