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It became known about the schedule of Easter services in the cathedrals of Lviv

On Sunday, April 24, Christians of the Eastern rite will celebrate Easter. Due to the state of war, there will be no night services, so the faithful will be able to join in the prayer in the evening before curfew and in the morning after it. There will also be an opportunity to watch the holiday services online.


St. George’s Cathedral, UGCC (St. George’s Square, 5)
April 23, Holy Saturday

9:00 -Evening party with the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great

12:00 -Blessing of Easter cakes and other food (every half hour)

14:00 – Jesus’ prayer for cancer patients

April 24, the Day of the Resurrection of Christ

7:30 – Tombstone, Easter Matins. Episcopal Divine Liturgy (performed by Metropolitan Igor of Lviv)

11:00 – Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

14:00 – Easter verses

16:00 – Sunday Vespers

Holy Intercession Cathedral of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (2 M. Hrushevskoho Street)
April 23, Holy Saturday

9:00 – Vespers with the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great

11:00 – consecration of Easter cakes (from 11:00 to 22:00)

20:00 – reading of the deeds of the holy apostles

April 24, the Day of the Resurrection of Christ

7:00 – reading of the Tombstone (Midnight Mass);

7:30 – Easter Matins, hierarchical manner;

8:30 -Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, hierarchically. Consecration of Easter cakes.

12:00 – Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

17:00 – Great Vespers, in the hierarchical manner

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Ruska, 5)
April 23, Holy Saturday

8:30 -Liturgy

14:00 – the beginning of the consecration of Easter cakes (will take place every 15 minutes until 21:00)

April 24, the Day of the Resurrection of Christ

6:30 – Easter matins, Liturgy, consecration of Easter cakes

10:00 – Liturgy, consecration of Easter cakes

15:00 – Easter Vespers

St. George’s Cathedral of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (3 Korolenko Street)
April 23, Holy Saturday

8:00 – Hours. Fine. Evening. Liturgy of St. Basil the Great;

14:00 – consecration of Easter cakes (ends at 20:00)

April 24, the Day of the Resurrection of Christ

7:15 – Midnight Mass;

8:00 – Procession. Easter matins;

10:00 – Divine Liturgy. After the Liturgy – consecration of Easter cakes;

16:00 – Easter evening

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