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In Lviv, the central entrance to the Church of St. John the Baptist is being restored

In Lviv, the central entrance to the Church of St. John the Chrysostom, located on the street, is being restored. Lysenko Due to excessive humidity, the stairs leading to the church and the retaining wall began to collapse. Therefore, the city commission on technogenic and environmental safety and emergency situations recognized the situation as an emergency and one that requires immediate intervention. Lilia Onyshchenko, head of the historical environment protection department of the LMR, told about this.

“The problem is that the soil is overmoistened, pressing on the masonry, because of this the wall has already leaned towards the road. It became dangerous to walk here. Therefore, it became necessary to urgently start emergency restoration works. Drainage will also be arranged here,” said Lilia Onishchenko.

All works are planned to be finished by the end of this year.

We will remind you that recently in Lviv the church of St. was restored and returned to the facade. John Chrysostom’s unique round stained glass window depicting the Immaculate Conception.

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