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In Lviv, the central entrance to the Church of St. John the Chrysostom was restored

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In Lviv, the central entrance to the Church of St. John the Chrysostom, located on the street, was restored. Lysenko Here, the emergency ones were dismantled and new stairs and a retaining wall were installed. Drainage was also installed. Lilia Onyshchenko, adviser to the city mayor on matters of historical environment protection, told about it.

“Due to excessive humidity, the central staircase and retaining wall began to collapse. In particular, the wall has already leaned towards the road. It became dangerous to walk here. For security reasons, the central stairs were also closed, so people used the side stairs to enter the temple. These designs would not have “survived” this year’s winter. Therefore, in November of last year, the city commission on technogenic and environmental safety and emergency situations recognized the situation as an emergency and one that requires immediate intervention.

Therefore, here they dismantled the old stone retaining wall and built a new one – made of concrete and stone. The old stairs were also covered with stone. Drainage was installed,” Liliya Onishchenko said.

The cost of emergency restoration works amounted to UAH 1.2 million.


The Church of St. John Chrysostom — the former Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the complex of the Franciscan women’s monastery — is an architectural monument of local importance. The church and monastery were built during 1877−1889. The author of the project is the famous Lviv architect Yulian Zaharievich.

It is interesting that in the apse of the church, all 3 stained glass windows made in Munich by F. Mayer’s firm in 1887-1889 have been preserved. The central one depicts the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the side stained glass windows are dedicated to St. Melania and Archangel Michael. The stained glass window in the round window on the facade of the church depicts the Immaculate Conception. By the way, this round stained glass window was restored last year.

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