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A Home for homeless women and single mothers was built in Lviv. Video

Today, a Home for homeless women and single mothers was solemnly opened and consecrated in Lviv. With the support of the Holy Father and other benefactors, it was built by the Albertine sisters, who will take care of the institution. The event was attended by representatives of the authorities, in particular the mayor of the city Andriy Sadovy, the Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Lviv, the Cardinal from Rome and the Apostolic Nuncio in Ukraine, bishops and clergy.

“This House arose because many people knew how to share what they had. It is hard to believe that it was built during the war. But when we are united, we are a force. Today, Ukrainians know the most about unity. There is not a single speech of the Pope that he does not pray and ask God for this war to end,” Cardinal from Rome – Papal Delegate Konrad Krajewski, who arrived at the event, said in his welcoming speech.

“Most of the humanitarian work carried out by the Catholic Church for Ukraine takes place quietly, without much publicity. Because the goal is to be with the most disadvantaged people. However, days like this one are also very important, when the Cardinal blesses this House of Mercy, dedicated to Blessed Bernardina Jablonska. This is because with a solemn blessing we ask God to encourage us and carry out our works of mercy,” said the Apostolic Nuncio to Ukraine Visvaldas Kulbokas.

“Covid and Russian aggression made us understand mercy and justice in a completely different way. Today I want to thank the church for the titanic work it does in helping people. Lviv is a special city. 5 million Ukrainians passed through Lviv, fleeing the war. We had days when 2 million immigrants lived in Lviv. Lviv is a big hub of rehabilitation and assistance. I remember how we opened a house for men on Topolnaya together, and today there is a house for women. I am convinced that we will have a wonderful cooperation, because there are so many people who need this help. Thank you to everyone who has the courage to be with Ukraine at this time,” said Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy.

The home is designed to provide support to single mothers with children and homeless women who, fleeing the war, did not want to go abroad and stayed in Lviv. This establishment also provides a canteen for the poor to be able to offer them hot food and a welcoming place.

“Despite the war in Ukraine, we see how good and hope wins. The evidence of this is the built charity center. With gratitude and prayer, I seek to envelop all benefactors and donors of the center, both those present here and those who could not come to the opening. I have the pleasure of addressing the people for whom this complex was built: dear women, I wish you that this building will become your home, where you will find safety, peace and a new zest for life,” said Metropolitan Mechyslav Mokshytskyi.

It should be noted that in April 2020 the City Hall of Lviv approved urban planning conditions for the construction by the Curia of the Lviv Archdiocese of the Roman Catholic Church in Ukraine of an ecumenical complex named after Ivan Paul II on St. M. Pymonenko – st. Bread The opening of the newly built complex took place today. It was built with the support of the Pope and benefactors.

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