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A charity fair “Drohobych Kram” will be held in Drohobych on the occasion of the City Day

Drohobych residents are invited to visit the Drohobych Kram charity fair, which will be open from 8:00 to 21:00 on 8 September at Zamkova Hora Square. There, you will definitely admire the originality of our region.

When: – 8 September, 8:00-21:00

Where: Castle Hill Square

In addition, craftsmen and artisans are encouraged to join the fair.

The Department of Culture and Tourism Development of the Donetsk City Council wants to support its own manufacturer, which produces unique souvenirs. Therefore, registration of craftsmen to participate in the charity fair is open. If you are engaged in craft production, handmade goods, artistic crafts, traditional crafts, then you are welcome at the Drohobych Kram. It is here that you will be able to present and sell your products.

We would like to remind you that the Drohobych Kram charity fair has a main and common goal – to support the army. The proceeds from the sale of goods are donated to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

To apply for participation, please follow the link and fill in the form

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