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The enterprise “Zahid-Agro MHP” has started a sowing campaign

Despite the challenges of a full-scale war, work is boiling over at Zahid-Agro MHP, because the sowing campaign has started. This year, the company decided to focus on four main crops: wheat, corn, soybeans and rapeseed. Accordingly, 6,200 hectares have already been sown with wheat, and 8,600 hectares with winter rapeseed.

In the near future, it is planned to sow 10,800 hectares with corn and 14,700 hectares with soybeans.

“Today, 11 sowing units are working. Work on the care of winter crops is also actively underway: fertilizing is carried out, treatment against diseases and pests is carried out,” says Valery Marchenko, director of Zahid-Agro MHP LLC.

In general, the MHP company notes that they plan to sow almost all available areas – 352.5 thousand hectares in 12 regions of Ukraine. Of these, 255.5 thousand hectares are cultivated with grain and oil crops. The remaining areas are niche and technical crops.

Compared to last year, in the portfolio of MHP, the area of sowing of the grain group was reduced and the area of oil crops was increased.

“We are working for the food security of the country without slowing down,” says Serhiy Dobrohorskyi, head of the agricultural department of the Ministry of Agriculture. – Prepared for sowing ahead of time – purchased a sufficient amount of seeds, fertilizers, plant protection products, and fuel. Despite all the challenges of war, we continue to implement innovative technologies and invest in machinery, including those equipped with elements of precision agriculture. The entire chain of elements of precision agriculture has already been implemented in a number of plant-growing enterprises of the MHP, others are gradually undergoing digitalization. Since 2016, we have been developing our own digital platform and today we are actively engaged in the formation of the Digital Agro 360 ecosystem, which includes digital solutions to increase the efficiency of agricultural production.”

Zahid-Agro MHP LLC is a part of the MHP company. The main direction of activity is the cultivation of agricultural crops: cereals, legumes, seed oil crops.

The company’s facilities are located in three regions: Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil. Also, “Zahid-Agro MHP” includes branches “Voskresyntsivsky elevator” and “Krasnyansky elevator”.

Like all MHP enterprises, Zaxid-Agro MXP LLC implements innovations, optimizes production processes and develops new technologies for growing agricultural crops.

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