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“Affordable loans 5-7-9” program: farmers of Lviv Oblast can get a loan of up to 90 million hryvnias

The state program “Affordable loans 5-7-9” simplifies the access of micro and small businesses to bank lending. Now farmers can get a loan in the amount from UAH 100,000 to UAH 90 million.

Loans are provided by:

for investment purposes at the level of 7% per annum with the possibility of reduction for investment loans to 5%;
for replenishment of working capital for all enterprises – establishment of a compensation rate of 9% per annum.

According to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine, since the beginning of the year, banks have already issued UAH 31.8 billion to agricultural producers. loan funds for the development of farms. Of these, UAH 17.8 billion is under the state program “Affordable Loans 5-7-9”, of which UAH 11.8 billion is under portfolio guarantees.

To ensure the development of their enterprises, the agrarians of the Lviv region attracted 1.1 billion UAH under the program “Affordable loans 5-7-9”, of which 720 million UAH. under portfolio guarantees. 307 agricultural producers of the region received loans.

At the regional level, in order to support micro, small and medium-sized business entities during the period of martial law in the region, changes were made to the Comprehensive Program for the Support and Development of Agriculture in the Lviv Region.

For those agrarians who have attracted credit resources from banking institutions or leasing companies, interest reimbursement (commission) for accompanying financial leasing contracts in the amount of 1 NBU accounting rate is provided. And for those who cannot get loans from the bank, there is an opportunity to get preferential loans on a reverse basis for the implementation of business plans in the field of agriculture at 5% per annum in the amount of up to UAH 500,000. to cover current costs for a period of up to 5 years with a delay in returning the principal amount of the obligation for up to a year.

To date, 10 business entities have received the right to financial support in the amount of UAH 1.1 million, which made it possible to reduce the price by UAH 14 million. credit resources. Also, 7 business entities received preferential loans in the amount of UAH 2.8 million.

You can read more about the terms of the Program and the list of documents at the link


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