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Farmers were celebrated on the occasion of the professional holiday in Lviv region

On Sunday, June 19, Ukraine celebrates Farmer’s Day. Today Deputy Head of Lviv OVA Yuriy Buchko congratulated farmers of Lviv region on the upcoming professional holiday

“This year your work is especially important and at the same time more difficult than ever. As long as our valiant warriors continue to defend us from the enemy at the front, you continue to do your job professionally, on which the food security of not only the region but also the country as a whole depends today. You are doing this despite all the atypical difficulties you have encountered this season, “said Deputy Chairman Yuriy Buchko in his welcoming speech.

The event included a round table on “Adaptation of agrarian business in martial law”, which discussed financial support programs, management of agricultural land in martial law, employment in the agricultural sector of IDPs, changes in tax legislation in the agricultural sector during the war state, etc.

The participants of the event got acquainted with the achievements of agricultural research institutions, proposals of banks and companies specializing in the supply of plant protection products and mineral fertilizers.

On the occasion of the professional holiday, farmers were greeted by the director of the department of agro-industrial development Tatiana Hetman.

“Lviv region is the only region of Ukraine that has approved a regional program to support local farmers. Against the background of the collapse of state programs for financing the agricultural sector, the amount of funding for the Comprehensive Program for Support and Development of Agriculture in Lviv region for 2021-2025 during the war increased by 25% to 26.5 million UAH, “she said.

Also for conscientious work, significant contribution to the development of farming and on the occasion of the professional holiday Thanks to the head of the regional state administration awarded the best farmers in the region.

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