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Archers of Lviv region – winners of the first stage of the Bukovyna Cup

Almost 120 athletes came to Chernivtsi to compete for the awards of the first stage of the Ukrainian Archery Cup “Bukovyna Cup”, which took place from 20 to 23 June.

This was reported in Department of Youth and Sports of Lviv Regional State Administration

After four days of intense competition under the scorching sun, the names of the winners and runners-up of the team championship were announced. The athletes from Lviv region won the following awards:

🔷 among men:
🥇1 place – Lviv-1 (B. Yemchyk, O. Drabik, S. Makarevych)

🔶 among women:
🥇1st place – Lviv-1 (S. Hnyp, J. Naumova, S. Trapeznikova)

Among cadets:
🥇1st place – Lviv-1 (Boyko M., Zhmurko D., Loginov I.)

🔶 among cadets:
🥈 2nd place – Lviv (S. Yemchyk, G. Revt, E. Sehediy)
🥉 3rd place – Lviv-2 (M. Ilkiv, S. Garbarchuk, Y. Yatsozhynska)

Among the mixes of cadets:
🥈 2nd place – Lviv-1 (Sehediy E., Loginov I.)

🔷 Among the mixes block:
🥇 1st place – K. Antonova (Lviv region), A. Sova (Kyiv)
🥈 2nd place – Lviv-1 (A. Smilka, D. Makitra)
👉 In the individual championship, they won medals:

Among the cadets
🔥🥉3rd place – Loginov Ilya, Sports School “Electron” named after B. Kokot

Among the cadets
🔥🥉3 place – Emilia Segediy, B. Kokot Sports School “Electron”

Among women (block)
🔥🥇1 place – Ksenia Antonova, B. Kokot Sports School “Electron”
🔥🥈2 place – Anastasia Smilka, SC “Dostupnyi”, Gorodok

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