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Open equestrian training for military veterans held in Lviv region

The event was organised on 21 June at the Victoria Equestrian Club as part of the League of the Unconquered, a project of sporting opportunities for war veterans.

This is the twentieth sport in which we have conducted inclusive training for our Defenders and their families.

Volodymyr Dulia, the coach of the Specialised Children’s and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve “Veslyaryk”, taught equestrianism.

“We can talk a lot about the relevance of horse riding as an element of comprehensive rehabilitation, about how equine-assisted therapy helps to improve coordination of movements, strengthen muscles, reduce stress and anxiety, about the fact that horses create a unique emotional contact with people, which helps to restore psychological balance and well-being. But no words are enough to convey those incredible emotions, mood, strength and energy, especially among the youngest participants of the event,” said Roman Khimyak, Head of the Youth and Sports Department of the Lviv Regional Administration.

We would like to emphasise that in the Lviv region, war veterans can choose any sport, which is developed in a number of regional sports institutions: The Yuriy Kutenko Children and Youth Sports School, the Halychyna Children and Youth Sports School for People with Disabilities, the Lviv Regional Invasport Centre, the Veslyaryk Specialised Children and Youth Sports School of the Olympic Reserve and the Dmytro Sydoruk Integrated Children and Youth Sports School.

The classes are adapted for people with disabilities, so they are accessible to everyone. Training for our soldiers and veterans is free of charge.

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