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Lanes for cyclists will be set up in Novy Lviv

This year, traffic lanes for cyclists will appear on Lytvynenko, Videnska, Panas Myrny and Stus streets. As for the first three streets, the project organization is completing work on the projects. And the decision regarding the bicycle lane on the street. Stus was approved at a meeting of the city’s traffic safety commission this week. The new bicycle lanes will be connected to the existing bicycle infrastructure built within the tram track on Sikhiv.

As Pavlo Syrvatka, the head of the street infrastructure department of the LMR, told, the bicycle lane on the street Stus will be arranged on the “tram-free” section – from Chervonaya Kalyna Avenue to Novy Lviv. Its length will be approximately 450 m.

“The bicycle lane will be equipped only in one direction – uphill. In the opposite direction, cyclists will ride along the carriageway, the traffic here is not intense, therefore, together with the cycling community, it was determined that it is not appropriate to separate a lane for them,” Pavlo Syrvatka explained.

The official added that the bicycle lane is also planned to be installed on the street. Kozelnytskyi. This issue will be considered again at the next meeting of the city traffic safety commission.

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