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Lviv region sambo wrestlers win 15 awards at the Ukrainian Championship

The team consisted of 36 athletes from Lviv region. They won 6 gold, 1 silver and 8 bronze medals.

The Ukrainian Sambo Championships among juniors, seniors and cadets took place in Chernivtsi from 13 to 19 August. The competition was attended by 600 leading athletes from all regions.

As part of the regional team, 36 athletes from Lviv region competed for medals. They competed in three age categories and won 15 awards – 6 gold, 1 silver and 8 bronze medals:

It should be added that the team of Lviv region took third place among juniors.

“The purpose of this competition was not only to identify the strongest sambo wrestlers in the country, but also to form the national sambo team for the 2024 World Championships. The team included five athletes from Lviv region: Rostyslav Horychyi, Yaroslav Mykhaliuk, Mykhailo Lishchynskyi, Roman Maksymovych, and Danylo Haletskyi,” says Roman Khimyak, head of the Youth and Sports Department of the Lviv Regional State Administration.

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