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The Zhovkva Cup Race Cycling Championship was held in Zhovkva – more than 200 athletes took part. Video

During April 22-23, Zhovkva hosted the hope of Ukrainian cycling – more than 200 athletes from 13 regions of Ukraine competed for the main prizes of the Ukrainian road cycling championship – “ZHOVKVA CUP RACE”

This was announced by the head of LOVA Maksym Kozytskyi.

Thanks to everyone who took part in the championship. You trained systematically and disciplinedly, showed character, perseverance and endurance. And all this in the conditions of a full-scale war. This shows that you are all already winners, regardless of the result – said the head of LOVA

Thank you to Zhovkiv region, which welcomed our athletes so hospitably. I wish local residents and all Ukrainians more such competitions and positive emotions. In a cheerful mood, doing what we can and can and supporting those who stand as a shield in front of Ukraine on all fronts, we will win!

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