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In Zhovkva, it is planned to restore the reservoir cell

Active residents of Zhovkva intend to resume the activities of Plast.

They have already met with the director of the Lviv Regional Formation Center Olga Prykhodko and development officer Yulia Kravchenko, with whom they jointly worked out steps to restore the formation center.

Representatives of the Plast Center told the volunteers how the plast method works, what it takes to become plast educators and recruit plast circles. They also invited the initiative group to view a course about Plast on the online platform of the Free University of the Maidan and to undergo training in order to join the ranks of Plast.

As the center tells, Plast in Zhovkva has quite a history. The organization actively operated underground until the end of the 1930s. The 84th group of young men named after Dmytro Vitovsky was formed, which consisted of groups “Crows”, “Pugachi”, “Wolves”, “Tours”, “Eagles”. Longinus Robak was the liaison officer. The largest number of plastuns were at the Polish gymnasium, but they operated secretly. Many pupils joined the ranks of the UPA and were skilled defenders.

Initial Plastun (main plastun of the organization) Lyubomyr Romankiv was born and grew up in this picturesque town. Today, he is known throughout the world as a leading scientist of the IBM company in the field of computer technology, the inventor of the processes for building inductive and magneto-resistive microheads for recording information that made possible the appearance of “hard disks” and personal computers, the author and co-author of more than 65 patents

Lyubomyr Romankiv visited Zhovkva several times. There he was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the city. In Zhovkva there was also a solemn stamp redemption ceremony in honor of Nachalny Plastun.

The center also notes that Plast currently operates in 26 settlements in the Lviv region. Lviv Oblast is the region with the largest number of reservoirs. Every year the number increases. It is the Lviv Regional Plast Center that works to ensure that as many adults and children as possible join Plast and create a branch in their city.

“The Center’s team supports enterprising young people who have expressed a desire to become plastuns by organizing Plast presentations, talking about what you can do in Plast, inviting them to plastun events and conducting plastun schools,” says center director Olga Prykhodko.

Also, the reservoir center provides literature about the reservoir, conducts reservoir classes, and helps informationally and organizationally go through all the steps to create a cell. Those who want to create a reservoir center in their city can write a message on the Facebook page of the Lviv regional reservoir center or to the e-mail

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