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The Mother of God is a silent witness of our downfalls, our callousness and faith in mercy

If the sculpture could speak… Then, perhaps, it would tell us by whose evil hand she, the Mother of God, the symbol of Mercy, Life, Good, was mercilessly thrown from the pedestal and buried in the ground.

What was she guilty of before those people who destroyed her with such hatred in churches, public places, cemeteries. Even the stone from which the Mother of God is made radiates humanity, kindness, and mercy. We, living people, lack these features. So how can this sculpture suggest something bad and evil? Because otherwise, why not? for what reasons was she buried? And in its place… they put deer, pioneers, vases for flowers. So it was… Fortunately, this time of impiety, unspirituality, callousness has passed. The sculpture of the Mother of God is again on a pedestal in front of the therapeutic and children’s departments of the so-called old hospital.

Every day. going to work, I turn my gaze to the white sculpture of the Mother of God, people are praying near it… And who knows, maybe that prayer will reduce their physical and mental torment, instill faith in recovery, and remove the heaviest burdens from the soul. ..

Thanks to nurse Antonina Frankivna Hryniuk, the sculpture was found. It was restored and stands in the old place thanks to the donation of medical staff, patients, and residents of Sokal.

This sculpture was consecrated on one of the Sundays. Around the Mother of God stood small children in white clothes with daylilies in their hands. Father Volodymyr, the rector of the Greek-Ka-Yulitsky church of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, dedicated it, and also had a sincere sermon to the residents of Sokal. Ya. B. Stefanyshyn, the head of the City Council, said that now forgotten names, destroyed monuments of culture and religion are returning from oblivion.

And now the Mother of God stands again on the pedestal, a silent witness of our downfalls, our callousness, inhumanity, and gives everyone her all-forgiveness, and radiates faith that humanity, kindness and mercy will reign in the human community.

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