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A sculpture of the Mother of God, hidden from communists in the 1950s, was excavated in Sokal near the hospital in 1990.

If sculpture could speak ….

Then, perhaps, we would be told by whose evil hand she, the Mother of God, the symbol of mercy, life, good was ruthlessly thrown off the pedestal and buried in the ground. What did she do to those people who destroyed her with such hatred in churches, public places, cemeteries? Even the stone from which the Mother of God is made radiates humanity, kindness, mercy. Traits that are so lacking for us – living people.

In May 1990, a sculpture of the Mother of God was excavated in the yard of the old hospital in Sokal, which has stood in the center of the flowerbed since the construction of this medical institution. In the 1950s, it was ordered to be destroyed. But people have preserved the sculpture and the memory of it.

The sculpture was mentioned by nurse Antonina Frankivna Hryniuk, who was told by the former head of the hospital that she was buried somewhere near the flowerbed. And so the sculpture of the Mother of God was found.

So how can something bad and evil suggest this sculpture? Because otherwise, for what reasons was she buried? And in its place were placed deer, pioneers, vases for flowers. So it was ….

Fortunately, this time of ungodliness, spirituality, callousness is over.

Sculpture of the Mother of God on a pedestal – in front of the therapeutic and children’s departments of the so-called old hospital (on Shashkevycha Street in Sokal):


Every day, going to work, I look at the white sculpture of the Mother of God – people pray near it … And who knows – maybe that prayer reduces their physical and mental suffering. Instills faith in recovery, removes the heaviest burdens from the soul.

One Sunday in May 1990, this sculpture was dedicated. Around the Mother of God stood little children in white robes with lilies in their hands. The abbot of the Greek Catholic Church of St. Father Volodymyr dedicated it to the Apostles Peter and Paul, and also had a sermon to the people of Sokal. The chairman of the city council Ya.B. Stefanyshyn spoke about the fact that now forgotten names, destroyed monuments of culture and religion are returning from oblivion.

And now stands again on the pedestal of the Mother of God, the silent witness of our fall, our callousness, inhumanity and gives everyone his forgiveness and radiates faith in the prevailing humanity, kindness and mercy in the human community.

newspaper Vpered, May 1990, O. Prots

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