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Weather Forecast in Lviv for March 24: Rains and Thunderstorms

Atmospheric Fronts Will Bring Rains and Thunderstorms to the Lviv Region

On March 24, the weather will be determined by the passage of atmospheric fronts from the southwest.

Forecast for Lviv Region

Cloudy with clear spells. Occasional rain, thunderstorms in places. Southeast wind switching to northwest 9 – 14 m/s, gusty. Temperature at night 2 – 7°C, during the day 12 – 17°C.

Forecast for the City of Lviv

Cloudy with clear spells. Occasional rain. Southeast wind switching to northwest 9 – 14 m/s, gusty. Temperature at night 3 – 5°C, during the day 15 – 17°C.

Visibility deterioration in rain.

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