At least 12 court cases are currently pending in the Yavoriv District Court related to the allocation of land plots belonging to the forest fund of the Yavoriv subsidiary forestry enterprise Halsillis to private individuals.
This was reported by LOVA.
The decisions to allocate these plots were made in October-November 2020, on the eve of the local elections, by the Ryasne-Rus village council. It should be noted that after the 2020 elections, the Ryasne-Rus village council ceased to exist, and the village was merged into the Lviv territorial community.
In 2024, the Frankivsk District Prosecutor’s Office of Lviv, in the interests of the state represented by the Lviv Regional Council, filed a number of claims to the courts to reclaim illegally allocated land plots belonging to the forest fund of the Yavoriv subsidiary of the Regional Municipal Specialised Forestry Enterprise Galsillis from private ownership.
“At present, court proceedings have been opened in all 13 cases, the first court hearings have been postponed and are scheduled for February – March 2025. In fact, in the last days of its existence, the Ryasne-Rus village council not only violated the law but also deceived the potential owners of these land plots. Because people who have land will not be able to exercise their ownership rights to it. Although there is evidence of resale on two plots. Therefore, we are asking the court to invalidate both the decision of the Ryasne-Rus village council and the subsequent agreements on these plots, as well as to cancel the state registration. Together with the prosecutor’s office and the Yavoriv subsidiary forestry enterprise Halsillis, we will seek the legal return of the forest fund to communal ownership,” said Orest Hrynovets, deputy head of the legal department of the Lviv Regional Council.
For more information about the land plots, please click here:
In October-November 2020, the Ryasne-Rus village council also transferred 15 hectares of land within the Belogorshche Peatland landscape reserve to several garage cooperatives for private ownership. The Belogorshchia Peatland Local Nature Reserve was established by the regional council on 29 October 2019. In 2022-2023, four garage cooperatives tried to overturn the decision of the Lviv Regional Council to create the landscape reserve in court. However, taking into account the joint position of the public, Lviv City Council, Zymnovodivka Village Council, Lviv Regional Prosecutor’s Office and Lviv Regional Council, the court dismissed the cooperatives’ claim and found that there were no procedural violations in the creation of the reserve, and that the division of land plots of the nature reserve fund and the free transfer of land plots took place much later and with violations.
It is also worth noting that in 2022-2023, the Zhovkva District Prosecutor’s Office, in the interests of the state represented by the Lviv Regional Council, returned 12 plots illegally allocated to private individuals that belonged to the forest fund of joint ownership of territorial communities and were used by the Zhovkva subsidiary of the forestry enterprise Halsillis.