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For the convenience of residents, the map of shelters on the territory of Lviv MTG has been translated into text format

For the convenience of residents, the map of shelters on the territory of Lviv MTG has been translated into text format. We will remind, there are about 6 thousand such shelters. According to Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy, this is enough to safely be in an emergency situation for all residents.

“We now have about 6,000 shelters. This is enough to be safe in an emergency for every resident.

Shelters are located in the underground rooms of residential buildings and shopping centers.

Please check access to your basement and talk about it with your neighbors! ”Said Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy on his Facebook page.

You can get acquainted with the map of shelters by following the link.

We will remind, official sources of information on a situation in Lviv – on the link.

Attention journalists! All operational information for media representatives – on the Telegram page of Lviv Media Center (

Galician district (shelter map)

Railway district (shelter map)

Lychakiv district (map of shelters)

Sykhiv district (shelter map)

Frankivsk district (shelter map)

Shevchenkivskyi district (shelter map)

The simplest shelters (summary)

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