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Drohobych took third place in the best energy management competition

On 18 and 19 June, Kamianets-Podilskyi hosted a meeting of the Municipal Climate and Energy Platform “Energy Managers, Let’s Network – 2024” dedicated to energy management.


During the event, the finalists of the Energy management star 2024 competition competed and the winner was determined. Drohobych was represented in the competition by Yurii Yatskiv, energy manager of the community.

The participants competed in three panel discussions:

Panel 1 – discussion of the issue of energy management system for communities and who is an ideal energy manager?

Panel 2 – Energy management system at the community level: problems and challenges.

Panel 3 – presentation by the finalists of the competition of their communities’ experience in implementing sustainable energy and climate policies, building an effective energy management system at the local level and teamwork.

Maryna Dranichenko, energy manager of the Sumy community, became the winner of the Competition based on the sum of the points of the 3 stages. The second place was taken by Yana Bondarenko, Chortkiv territorial community. The third place was taken by Yuriy Yatskiv, Drohobych territorial community.

The organisers and partners of the competition were the Covenant of Mayors and GIZ, as well as the Association of Energy Efficient Cities of Ukraine. The cooperation of the community leadership with the competition participants played an important role in evaluating the results of the competition.

Our community is participating in the Energy Management Star competition for the first time. Drohobych is implementing several energy efficiency projects and measures using renewable energy sources. It was very interesting to take part in the competition, as well as to get acquainted with the best practices of cities in the field of energy efficiency, especially such leaders as Sumy, Chortkiv, Vinnytsia, and Zhytomyr. I would like to emphasise that our city is among the top three only thanks to the work of our entire team, as well as the cooperation of the authorities, business and the community,” says Yuriy Yatskiv.

The Covenant of Mayors is a common initiative of the European Union involving local and regional authorities that make voluntary commitments to improve energy efficiency and use renewable energy sources in their territories.

The Covenant of Mayors is the world’s largest movement for climate and energy action at the local level. The European Covenant of Mayors initiative brings together thousands of local authorities that have voluntarily committed themselves to achieving the EU’s climate and energy goals.

The signatories commit to take steps to achieve the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 35% by 2030 and to adapt to the effects of climate change.

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