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The Prytula Foundation reported to the people of Lviv for 21 months of work: benefactors donated more than 6 billion 18 million hryvnias

Serhiy Prytula, the founder of one of the largest charitable funds to help the Ukrainian military and civilians affected by the war, presented a public report of his work in the premises of the Ivan Franko National University.

The press service of the Foundation informed the Voice of Sokla region about this.

From the first days of the full-scale invasion, Ukrainians and foreign benefactors donated more than 6 billion 18 million UAH to the Serhiy Prytula Charitable Fund. The average donation amount from individuals is UAH 359, and the largest one-time donation is USD 1 million. Prytula informed the people of Lviv about the results of his foundation’s work in numbers, and also presented four areas of activity on which the efforts of volunteers and the entire team are currently directed.

Since February 2022, 7,284 drones, 193 boards, 243 kamikaze UAVs, 3,409 FPV drones, 1,427 vehicles, of which 35 Land Rover Snatch armored wheeled vehicles, 111 armored tracked armored vehicles, 60 inflatable boats, 5 Galaxy Trindent 8 boats.

In addition to the military vector, the foundation is engaged in humanitarian projects, develops regional Civilian Preparedness Centers, established a partnership with the Boriviter military school.

The humanitarian direction is a quick crisis response to problems: the purchase of generators, medical equipment, starlinks to restore communication in communities. In the de-occupied territories, it is necessary to quickly restore access to medicine, for this, mobile medical teams are being formed. Shelters are being set up in educational institutions, NEST modular houses are being installed for families.

The idea of creating a Civilian Readiness Center arose so that the civilian population could receive basic military training. In 80 centers in 17 regions of the country, instructors with military experience conduct training for civilians. The training program combines more than 35 topics. From psychological training, studying the basics of tactical medicine, marksmanship to the basics of modern intelligence based on open data using OSINT methodology. More than 32,000 civilians took part in the trainings.

Professional training of military personnel is carried out on the basis of the Boryviter military school. Since August 2022, more than 18,000 people have graduated from the school.

Serhii Prytula emphasized that every donation is important, and business especially helps. The average amount of contribution from entrepreneurs is UAH 88,771. During the work of the foundation team, hundreds of partnerships have been worked out.

Summing up the fund’s mega meetings, Serhii Prytula named the largest projects that were successfully implemented. These are “People’s Bayraktars”, “Sputnik”, “For revenge”, “People’s Spartans”, “We can fight”, “We detect and destroy” and “We will get the enemy everywhere”.

“All mega-fees are only 24.68% of revenues,” emphasized Serhiy Prytula. – We process hundreds of applications from military and civilians every day. So far, only 44% of the total number of applications received has been fulfilled. Therefore, we continue to work, we meet with representatives of other countries and international organizations. We raise funds and at the same time tell the world about the power of Ukrainian civil society and the phenomenon of our volunteer movement.

We are invincible when united.”

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