The international charitable organization “Partnership “For Every Child” together with the Lviv Regional Military Administration will implement the project of the World Children’s Fund “CHILDHOOD” “Supporting young children in conditions of war” in Lviv Oblast.
The goal of the project is to contribute to the improvement of care, upbringing and rehabilitation of young children who are brought up in children’s homes during the war, to accelerate their placement in a favorable family environment, taking into account the best interests of each child.
As Zinaida Kiyanytsia, deputy director of the IBO “Partnership for Every Child”, said, within the project, support will be provided to authorities, social sector specialists regarding the reform of houses in the interests of children, and a package of services will be developed for these children and their families, especially children with disabilities.
“It is important to use the resources and potential of children’s home workers as much as possible to provide them with early intervention and rehabilitation services. An important area of work during the war is the creation of additional opportunities for family placement of children left in parental care, in the Lviv region alone there are more than 200 young children evacuated from Eastern Ukraine due to the war. A significant part of them can be adopted or placed in foster families. Therefore, we will promote the selection and training of such families,” Zinaida Kiyanytsia said.
Project implementation involves:
Conducting an analysis of the organization of work of children’s homes operating during the war in Lviv region, identification of strengths, problems and prospects for development in the direction of meeting the needs of the target group of children;
Assessing the needs of inmates of pilot children’s homes and developing an individual protection plan, rehabilitation and development program for each inmate;
Determination of the need for the introduction of new services necessary for the development and rehabilitation of pupils and their approval on the basis of pilot children’s homes (including the purchase of services and equipment), etc.
Target groups of the project:
– Orphans
– Children deprived of parental care
– Children left without parental care or placed at the request of parents/other legal representatives, in particular: newborn children; children of early and preschool age who are in children’s homes of the Lviv region, as well as pupils of the homes of the Zaporizhia and Luhansk regions, evacuated to the Lviv region during the war.
“According to Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 78 of January 31, 2023, by the end of the year we must form a clear vision of how regional children’s homes will work, conduct an assessment of the needs of each child who receives care and education in such homes. In this, we need the support of non-governmental organizations that have experience in implementing positive changes in the field of child protection and will be able to provide methodological and substantive assistance. We are grateful for the cooperation and the opportunity to implement such a project in the Lviv region.
Employees of children’s homes, medical, pedagogical and social workers of communities, guardianship and care authorities, regional center of social services, non-governmental and religious organizations working in the field of child protection and provision of social and rehabilitation services will be involved in the implementation of the international charitable foundation Childhood” – Ivan Sobko, deputy head of Lviv OVA, noted.
From the side of the Lviv OVA, the Children’s Service, the Department of Health Protection and the Department of Social Protection of the Population, as well as the Regional Center for Social Services will participate in the implementation of the project.
As a result of the agreement on joint further actions, a memorandum on cooperation on child protection issues was signed today between Lviv OVA and IBO “Partnership for Every Child”.
The project “Supporting young children in conditions of war” is financed by the World Fund for the Welfare of Children (Kingdom of Sweden). The implementation period is from February 2023 to September 2024.