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A sculpture of a boy waiting with hope was unveiled in the courtyard of the Saint Panteleimon Hospital

In the courtyard of the St. Panteleimon Hospital of the First Medical Association of Lviv, from now on there is a sculpture of a boy who looks at the operating room and believes that everything will be successful. He is a symbol of faith, hope and hopes for the best.

“The sculpture is a real boy, 12-year-old Timofey Chernyshkov. At the end of January, our doctors transplanted lungs to his father Oleksandr. And while the patient was on the operating table, the child, whom the father is raising alone, stood under the door of the operating room. The boy was waiting: the door was about to open and he would hear that everything was fine with his father. The plot about this boy was shown on television. And one man, who wished to remain unknown, wanted to make a sculpture – to forever record in it the child’s belief in a miracle”, – explains the hospital of Saint Panteleimon.

The sculpture was made by Lviv artist, associate professor of the Department of Monumental and Decorative Sculpture of the Lviv National Academy of Arts Oleksandr Honcharuk. It was cast from bronze. Weight – 150 kg.

“Our team worked for more than two months to make this sculptural composition. We talked a lot with Timofey in order to convey the emotions he experienced. For us, this is a very special project: a child looks at the operating room and everyone who passes by is inspired by his faith and hope,” says Oleksandr Honcharuk.

The inspirer of the sculptural composition – Tymofiy Chernyshkov, together with his father Oleksandr, also came to the opening of the monument. The patient has already been discharged from the hospital. Now they live near Lviv. The boy says: the sculpture is very similar to him. The boy’s father can barely contain his emotions.

“I just have no words. Huge gratitude to all the people who did it,” says Oleksandr Chernyshkov.

Oleg Samchuk, General Director of the First Medical Association, notes that the story of Timofey and Oleksandr touched absolutely everyone.

“This is a very difficult operation – a lung transplant. We are glad that everything went well. Now both the patient and his son are standing here with us. The patron thanks to whom this sculpture was installed is a good friend of ours. But he wishes to remain anonymous. We thank him very much for this gift,” says Oleg Samchuk. And he adds: “We will open this sculpture with the wish that every child will wait for his dad.”

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