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A tourist information centre has been opened near the railway station: LeoCards can be issued and purchased there

A Tourist Information Centre has been opened in Lviv on Dvortseva Square. It will provide information and advice to both tourists and internally displaced people.

In addition, a new LeoCard point has been opened at the Centre, where you can apply for a personalised and general transport card. The centre will be open daily from 9:00 to 19:00 without a break.

“Since the beginning of the full-scale war, the tourism sector has faced many challenges and the industry has rethought its activities. This, in particular, is reflected in the work of Tourist Information Centres. From the beginning of the full-scale war, we started providing information to foreign journalists. Later, our services were extended to people who were forced to come to Lviv and needed quality information in various fields. And these services remain at the Centres.

So, in addition to the usual information on how to get to the city centre or current events in Lviv, you can find out what services are available for the military in our city, where you can get some kind of volunteer help, about support centres and temporary accommodation for internally displaced people. In general, it contains a variety of information that will be useful for people who have come to Lviv for a short or long time,” said Khrystyna Lebed.

The centre will be open daily from 9.00 to 19.00.

“This location is one of the most important points in the city for informing and communicating with guests and residents. After all, today the main flow of people to Lviv, to other cities of Ukraine and the world passes through our railway station,” said Khrystyna Lebed.

At the same time, a new LeoCard point has been opened in the Centre for the convenience of guests and Lviv residents. Here you can get a personalised LeoCard in 10-15 minutes. Combatants and servicemen who have received a disability as a result of participation in hostilities, ATO veterans, as well as internally displaced persons will be able to apply for a transport card out of turn and without an appointment. And community residents – by appointment.

“We have made it possible for combatants and veterans to receive a LeoCard without an appointment, in 10-15 minutes. It is important to have a card, every trip must be recorded, because we are moving towards a transparent transport payment policy.

Other categories of beneficiaries can also apply for a LeoCard here. The point is also open from 9.00 to 19.00 seven days a week. So from now on, residents of the community who do not have time to apply for cards at our other points on working days can do so here on a weekend. To do this, you need to make an appointment by calling the hotline 0800 303 007 at a convenient time and come and get your card. Guests of the city can do this in a “first come, first served” manner. I would like to emphasise that veterans and combatants can apply for a LeoCard at any working time without queuing,” said Mykola Vlasiuk, head of Lvivavtodor.

In addition, at this point, you can also purchase a LeoCard “for everyone” and use public transport at the lowest tariff – 13 UAH per trip. You can also top up your transport card balance here.

By the way, Lviv also has an information centre at the Memorial to the Heavenly Hundred Heroes and a Tourist Information Centre in the City Hall.

LeoCards are also available in :

– Passenger service centre at 10 Gorbachevskogo Street;

– ASC at 72a Chervona Kalynya Avenue;

– Hospodar LCC at 49b Pasichna Street;

– Shevchenkivskyi RA at 11 Lypynskoho Street;

– ASC at 32 Vyhovskoho Street.

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