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In Lviv, doctors rescued a 30-year-old man who was in a state of clinical death

Doctors of the Lviv Regional Center for Medical Care and Disaster Medicine received a call during a night shift to a man who showed signs of clinical death during the initial examination. The 30-year-old patient was unconscious.

The ambulance was in place in 7 minutes. Eyewitnesses tried to put pressure on his chest. From the anamnesis of witnesses it became known that he was probably returning from an evening jog. This, according to doctors, was evidenced by the patient’s clothes.

Read also: In Lviv, for the first time in Ukraine, an operation was conducted using the technique of virtual reality

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was started: rhythm assessment – ventricular fibrillation – defibrillation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, tracheal intubation + tracheobronchial tree rehabilitation; rhythm assessment – asystole – adrenaline, cardiopulmonary resuscitation “, – explained in the Center.

In the sixth minute the rhythm resumed. In addition, doctors remind that a doctor’s consultation is mandatory before sports or jogging.

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