May 9 in Lviv on the street B. Khmelnytskyi in adaptive mode, two new traffic light objects on St. B. Khmelnytskyi – Kukuruzyana and St. B. Khmelnytskyi – AS-2. LKP “Lvivavtodor” said that drivers need to know about the mode of operation of these traffic lights.
“What is the difference between adaptive traffic light regulation and rigid regulation? The rigid regulation mode is fixed durations of the traffic light cycle and phases of traffic light regulation, i.e. predetermined durations of signals for each direction of traffic. This means that regardless of whether there are cars or pedestrians in a certain direction, the permissive signal of the traffic light will still turn on. As for adaptive regulation, its difference from the rigid regime lies in the possibility of extending the duration of permission signals for the direction where traffic saturation is observed. These possibilities are provided by video detectors and buttons for calling the pedestrian phase”, – explains LKP “Lvivavtodor”.
The traffic light object on the street B. Khmelnytskyi – AS-2
For directions moving along the street. Khmelnytskyi in both directions, there are no restrictions on the duration of the green signal, that is, if there is no detection from the exit from AS-2 or a request from pedestrians to cross the street. B. Khmelnytskyi, then there will be a permanent green signal for transport. As soon as a request appears from the detector to leave AC-2 – along the street. B. Khmelnytskyi, the red signal of the traffic light turns on. Therefore, drivers moving away from the ring road are urged not to block traffic for public transport leaving AS-2. As for pedestrians, their green signal is activated using the button to call the pedestrian phase. When the detection comes from the pedestrian button, the green signal is turned on not only for pedestrians to cross the street. B. Khmelnytskyi, and for public transport from AS-2. However, if there is no request from pedestrians, but there is saturation on the detector with AC-2, then the permissive signal will be turned on only for public transport.
The traffic light object at the intersection of St. B. Khmelnytskyi – Kuzuruksyana.
the traffic direction moving towards Pidzamche will have a permissive traffic light signal until pedestrians press the call button to cross the street. B. Khmelnytskyi. Regarding the left turn direction from the street B. Khmelnytskyi on the street In Kuzurzyan, which is the most saturated, here drivers need to pay attention to the fact that the duration of the green signal directly depends on the nature of their movement and the saturation of traffic on this detector. The movement interval between cars should be 3-4 s, then the detector will see that there is saturation in this direction and the need for a full-fledged phase, i.e. 29 s of green signal. As soon as the gaps between cars become larger, the detector will perceive this as the absence of a queue in that direction and immediately turn on the red signal of the traffic light and turn on the green signal for the direction where traffic saturation is observed. Regarding the direction along the street B. Khmelnytsky from Pidzamche towards the ring, its duration determines the saturation on the left turn from the street. B. Khmelnytskyi or pedestrians pressing the pedestrian phase call button across the street. B. Khmelnytskyi.
“Our specialists continue to monitor the operation of these traffic lights, observe the nature of the drivers’ movement, determine which of the directions on this section are the most saturated, analyze traffic problems, and make appropriate corrections. In addition to the changes in the operation of the traffic light regulation, time must also pass for the adaptation of drivers – that from now on the traffic light signaling works in this section”, – emphasizes LKP “Lvivavtodor”.