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The Volunteer Community Needs Help for Camouflaging

Volunteers Call for Support in Making Camouflage Nets

In February, the volunteer community led by Oksana Yablonska created 2115 square meters of camouflage. Volunteers are grateful for all the support, but again require assistance as requests from defenders continue to come in.

“We thank everyone who constantly donates funds to us – without you, it would be incredibly difficult. Thanks to all who bring materials, cut, sew, weave. Again, we need to purchase spunbond, the base, because the queue for camouflage is huge. So we kindly ask for your financial help. We would be infinitely happy if you could dedicate half an hour to an hour of your time to help us create camouflage nets.” – wrote Oksana Yablonska on her page.

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