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“From the horror of Mariupol, my heart seemed to be frozen, and this ice was melted by Lviv and your people,” – Mary Maria Oleksandrivna.

Maria moved to Lviv from Mariupol. The history of Maria Alexandrovna, full of pain and tears, and recently – faith in humans. A woman came to Lviv in October with two nephews: 16-year-old Catherine and 11-year-old Paul, as well as with a dog and a cat. A woman is the only guardian of children. They did not have four years ago, and dad died in Mariupol when he went to the cottage.

“We did not think that the war was long, in the first days they did not descend, but when the rocket hit the neighboring entrance, ran into the basement. Our area was fired regularly. They went outside only to cook on fire. It was possible to eat once a day. They wanted to eat constantly, ”the woman recalls.

In the basement of the ninth floors, Maria Alexandrovna was hiding with nephews, pets and brother (father of children). Due to shelling in the city there were problems with water. The brother decided to go to the cottage, remembering that there were reserves of water in the canisters. On March 2, he left, and unfortunately, he never returned.

Until September, they lived in the basement, cooking on fires and under fire.

“I realized that children, except for me, have no one. She turned to the volunteers, but only on the third attempt we were able to leave. I remember the first to run into the car our animals were clutching the children for our feet, so that we suddenly do not leave them. And we would not leave, they are a part of our family, ”says Maria Alexandrovna.

At first, volunteers brought a family in Zaporozhye. The woman very much wanted to make documents faster to become the official guardian of the children, but it was not possible to do so because of constant shelling of the city. At that time, the volunteers offered them to move to Lviv.

“We came to Lviv and settled us in the city center in the hostel, said that we will be comfortable to make documents here. I came to the Department of Children’s Affairs Service of Halych district. These people helped me make all the documents in a very short time. Just a week – and I got what I needed. From the horror of Mariupol, my heart seemed to be frozen, and this ice was melted by Lviv and your people, your employees, ”Ms. Maria says.

In the Children’s Services Department, the Halych district recalls that Mrs. Maria has come to them confused and desperate.

“It was necessary to make a lot of documents, to solve the problem of housing, which was not easy, because they had pets. They just needed conversations, support. All the necessary documents were issued as all – in a few days. Maria was surprised that she thanked so quickly and constantly. And we were surprised that it can be done for a long time. Our friends from the NGO “Women’s Perspectives” helped with the family, – says Galician District, Head of the Children’s Service of Halych district.

It is not enough to make documents and settle it: it was also necessary to take care of children.

“These people have experienced so much pain. I wanted them to feel our support. When the problem with housing was solved, we found options for children for children to be close to school. Katie also found an school to continue to study. In Mariupol, a girl studied at a cook’s cook, now she has the opportunity to continue her studies in Lviv. I do not think that we have done something extraordinary – this is our work, which we love, ” – said Oksana Sokolovskaya, Chief Specialist of the Department of Children’s Affairs of Children.

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