A five-year contract will be signed with him.
On November 10, an open competition was held for the position of the director of the communal institution of the Lviv Regional Council “Lviv Ivan Franko National Literary and Memorial Museum”.
The winner of the competition was unanimously chosen by the competition commission as Bohdan Tikholoz, the current head of the museum (acting director).
Bohdan Tikholoz presented to the members of the commission a program for one and five years, a vision for the development of the museum institution, scientific and publishing activities, the attraction of grant funds for the implementation of various projects, as well as a plan for the development of the museum premises, its accessibility, accessibility, and safety.
Now the property management of the joint property of the Lviv Regional Council must conclude a contract with the winner of the competition for a period of 5 years.
For reference
Tykholoz Bohdan Serhiyovych is a Ukrainian literary critic, French scholar, publicist, blogger, candidate of philological sciences.
He was born in Cherkasy. He graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and postgraduate studies at the Department of Ukrainian Literature named after Acad. M. S. Wozniak. Candidate of philological sciences, senior researcher, associate professor.
Author of ideas, concepts, curator and manager of many cultural and artistic and, above all, museum projects (“Franko Laboratorium”, “Franko: Live”, “Franko from A to Z”, “Frankomandry+”, “Franko. Re:volution”, ” People’s Museum: House. Temple. Forum” and many others).
Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, Shevchenko Scientific Society, International Council of Museums (ICSM). Head of the Public Organization “Association of Ivan Franko Museums”. Head of the Expert Council of the Fund Replenishment Program of Public Libraries of the Ukrainian Book Institute. Expert of the Ukrainian Cultural Fund.
Prize laureate of Smoloskip publishing house, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists, named after S. Pavlychko, G. Kostyuk, S. Efremov, I. Franko, Lviv regional award named after Hilarion and Vira Svientsytskyi in the field of museum affairs, etc. Knight of the Order of Merit III degree.