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An exhibition of Ukrainian motano will be held in Lviv

Lviv residents are invited to the exhibition “Motanka. Ukrainian Charms” by Kharkiv craftswoman Iryna Svistunova. The exhibition will be opened this Friday, May 10, at 5:00 p.m.

Anyone who wants to can see it during the week on the second floor of the Dovzhenka Center in Lviv. A master class will be held for those who want to create their own motanka.

In Ukrainian culture, the motanka is a symbol of fertility, prosperity and a talisman for the family. Such dolls very often became real family heirlooms and were passed down from generation to generation.

“When manufacturing, the main rule is followed – the doll must have a cross-shaped appearance. In general, creating such a doll can turn into an exciting activity for adults and children, and the result will help to recreate native traditions and create a unique product. Such a souvenir, especially one made by one’s own hands, can become a family amulet and a family heirloom, which has absorbed age-old knowledge and beliefs,” – shares craftswoman Iryna Svystunova.

On May 14 at 5:00 p.m., Iryna Svystunova will hold a master class for those who want to learn the technique of making Ukrainian folk dolls.

For details, please call +380675796958.

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