On October 14-17, 2023, the 12th Congress of the World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations took place under the slogan: “SFUZHO-75: United by love for Ukraine-: for its victory and restoration!”
Ukrainian women living in different countries of the world and those who remained in Ukraine gathered in Przemyśl in the Ukrainian People’s House to show solidarity in helping their native people during the difficult struggle against the Russian aggressor.

The Lviv branch of the Union of Ukrainian Women congratulated the Congress and expressed gratitude to all women’s organizations that have a high goal – to support and affirm the dignity of Ukrainian women and the dignity of the entire Ukrainian nation.
Sokalchan women, members of the Union of Ukrainian Women, Iryna Mandryk and Halyna Vashchuk, had the honor of joining the huge Ukrainian women’s movement in order to realize the most important tasks that the military present poses to us.