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The Forum of extracurricular education was held in Sokal

On September 25, the Out-of-School Education Forum dedicated to the Out-of-School Day took place on the territory of Sichovy Streltsiv Square and the city park of Sokal

This was reported in the Sokal City Council.

For three hours, students of general secondary education institutions and everyone else could try their hand at the following areas: sports, artistic-aesthetic, scientific-technical, scientific-research, national-patriotic and tourist-local studies. The managers and employees of the Sokal Academy of Arts, the Sokal State University of Technology, the Sokal Bdyut, the Children’s Art School named after V. Matyuka, Sokal city, Sokalska Dussh Sokolyany.

The Sokol Children’s and Youth Sports School “Sokolyany” held master classes in basketball, football, volleyball, athletics and table tennis on the sports field in the city park.
Sokal MA organized a “Scientific Picnic Space”, where master classes and workshops, interesting quests, a science fair and an exhibition of the works of MA students and teachers took place.

Sokal State Technical University held workshops in weaving, beadwork, paper crafting, dance flash mobs and karaoke, a presentation by the Prestige choreographic group, and a play library.

Sokal State Technical University presented radio electronics and robotics, STEM toys, technical modeling, a master class in decorative and applied arts, and thematic photo exhibitions.

The Viktor Matyuk Children’s School of Arts presented its creative teams and master classes in vocal and artistic art.

In addition, “LEGO. Creators of the future” locations from KZDO #7 “Sokolyatko” in Sokal, Plast Stanytsia Sokal, locations from Chervonogradsk RU, GU DSNS of Ukraine in Lviv region and police department #2 of Chervonograd RVP of the State Police in Lviv region also operated on Sichovy Striltsiv Square. And in the city park there was an additional “Obstacle Lane” (Mygasyuk V.I., Berezhny M.G. – Sokalska Secondary School I-III st. #2), “Air Rifle Shooting” (Marushchak B.Ya., Holodryga I. G. – Peretitskyi NEC “Zsh I-III st.-kindergarten”) and “Sports. New modules: pétanque, frisbee, floorball” (M.R. Gesik – Sokal Lyceum #3).

Thank you to everyone involved in the organization and holding of the Extracurricular Education Forum! We thank the institutions of general secondary education of the Sokal City Council for the massive and active support of the difficult, but inspired work of extracurricular education workers!

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