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As an operator, Lvivavtodor multiplied the income from the provision of parking services by almost 2.5 times

Over three years, LKP “Lvivavtodor” as an operator has multiplied the income from the provision of parking services by almost 2.5 times. How it was possible to optimize the work and achieve such stunning results – told LKP “Lvivavtodor”.

Active work in this direction began in August 2021 by order of the mayor of Lviv, when Mykola Vlasyuk headed LKP “Lvivavtodor”. Among other tasks of the mayor, the new manager is tasked with making parking services as transparent, efficient and profitable as possible.

Thanks to a well-thought-out, step-by-step work strategy, Lvivavtodor LKP has made a quantum leap in increasing revenues from parking services in recent years. In particular, in 2020, the amount of revenues amounted to UAH 19.1 million, in 2021 – from August, the first 4 steps to implement the mayor’s mandate begin to be implemented, the result at the end of the year – UAH 30.3 million, in 2022 – the company receives a record 46, 3 million hryvnias.

“That is, with virtually the same number of parking lots as in previous years (after all, 21 new parking lots began to be launched already in November-December 2022, having previously abandoned several unprofitable parking lots), as it turns out, it is possible to optimize work in this way in a specific direction, that the company receives an additional 38 million hryvnias for a year and 4 months, having the same resource. And this reduces the burden on the city budget by UAH 38 million, and UAH 38 million more can be spent on the country’s defense,” Lvivavtodor LKP noted.

In addition, LKP “Lvivavtodor” explained what steps were taken to more than double the company’s revenue from the provision of parking services:

Optimization of the work of the parking department. After the analysis, the department was restructured, powers were demarcated, distribution and strengthening of work areas in the following areas:

Practically simultaneously with the launch of the full-fledged work of ASKOP and the launch of the pilot project “Discipline of Payments”, work on combating economic abuses began:

“The implementation of powerful measures to combat economic abuses also gives a somewhat unexpected result – several employees are dismissed from the company, and in thematic groups of the social network Facebook, which are thematic for the life of the city, newly created accounts are beginning to abound, which generate interesting posts, which give interesting conclusions for improving activities. But the work continues, and after measures to combat economic abuses, the next stage begins,” Lvivavtodor LKP explains.

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